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Multi-indication oncology HTA management

Client need

Our client needed support managing a complex set of HTAs, working through multiple indications and locations. As well as developing submissions, we were required to develop a set of SLRs and adapt an existing economic model. Additionally, previous vendors had not provided strategic HTA advice, and the client felt this was a gap that needed addressing.

Our response

We assembled a core team and committed them to continued work on the client’s portfolio, ensuring they quickly got to grips with the existing materials, product, and disease area. This team included senior leaders to ensure their experience and strategic advice could be employed throughout the development of the submission.

Client value

Our team used their experience of similar scenarios to develop an overarching submission strategy and, ultimately, deliver a set of high-quality submissions (as well as the associated materials). We have managed the client through four indications, each time securing reimbursement.


“Initiate have managed multiple HTAs in our multi-indication portfolio. They’ve helped us to develop a successful strategy and achieve reimbursement in every indication so far. The strategic advice and leadership has been the difference for us.”

Market Access Director, Top 10 Pharma