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In-depth critical review and black box testing of a third-party economic model in nephrology

Client need

The client needed the review and validation of a third-party model in a nephrological disease based on eGFR optimisation. The client required the reproduction of the model in Excel and the verification of the model inputs and data sources.

Our response

The Initiate team examined the model and reproduced its findings in Excel. An Excel workbook was produced including validation of the scenarios presented in the existing model overview, a summary of the validation exercises conducted and results, identification of issues, and recommendations for their resolution.

Client value

The client received an Excel workbook that included validation of the scenarios from the existing model, a summary of the validation exercises and results, identification of any issues, and recommendations for resolving these issues. This detailed validation and reproduction enhanced the client’s confidence in the model’s accuracy and reliability, aiding more informed decision-making.